Sunday, November 1, 2009

Reading in 1st Grade

In 1st Grade we love to read. We have reading for an hour and thirty minutes every day and we are busy doing reading related activities the whole time.
We meet in small groups and work on reading skills and strategies that will make us good readers. We practice doing what good readers do: decode new words using our decoding skills (sound out words), reread for understanding, read with expression, ask questions about the story, make predictions and connections with the book and many more things.
We go to reading related centers to practice what we are learning. CC and AJ are practicing their spelling skills using letter stamps to spell the words, writing the words in rainbow colors, practicing them on the marker boards, etc.
MG and AJ are working with words... today they are working on word families using short e.
(Aren't their masks cute... they made them in MAC to remember to ban drugs!)

KN and GT are working on the computer to help them practice their reading skills.

LM is at the writing center writing about things we are reading about. She is writing directions about how to make her favorite sandwich.

BL is at the art center practicing reading his color words and

coloring the fall picture by the color key.

The children also love to go to the Reading Center where they can self select books to read and take Acclerated Reader tests to earn points. AJ and CC chose to move to this center after they finished at Spelling Center.

The children go to Mrs. Thompson each day for small group instruction as well as going to Mrs. Ward. This way they get reinforcement in all skills... reading, spelling, language and handwriting.
We have very busy mornings learning to be "top notch" readers!!

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