Tuesday, November 24, 2009


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Today we had lots of fun making crafts that helped us think aobut what it was like to be a pilgrim. We made pockets that are a lot like a drawstring purse... pilgrim clothes didn't have pockets! I wonder when clothing began to be made with pockets? If you find the answer... let me know!
Thanks Mrs. Griffin, for helping us make fancy pockets!
BS with his Indian corn. Who can remember what the 5 kernels stood for in the Legend of the Five Kernels? Come tell me and you will win a prize!

Working on pockets!

Thanks Mrs. Etheridge, for helping us make our Indian corn.

KN with his finished product... an ear of Indian corn to represent the Legend of the Five Kernels.

CC and KG with their turkey treat! Yum, yum!

DV with his Indian corn.

AJ and Aunt Melissa (our sub for Mrs. Thompson today!) made turkey treats.

Look at all of those awesome pilgrims! We wore our costumes to lunch and had fun eating like a pilgrim! The boys really felt sorry for the pilgrim boys for having to wear those BIG collars! They were just glad were weren't wearing high socks with garters!

Stone Soup... what a wonderful story! 11/23

Short weeks are fun because we get to do fun activities that we can't do during a regular week! Today we read Stone Soup and learned how to be happy and how wonderful it is to share! We had fun acting out the story and then we made our own Stone Soup to share together. We began by making our own butter to eat on our rolls with the soup. We put whipping cream in jars and got busy shaking... sort of like the early Americans churning butter.
AJ, AH and BL are working together to make their butter.
LM, CG, and NE are shaking hard to make their butter.
GT, QC and JP are working together to make butter.
Wow, look at DV give his jar some serious shaking!

Then we began chopping our vegetables to add to our pot to make a delicious Stone Soup! We chopped carrots, celery, and potatoes.

Next, we chopped onions... and we had lots of teary eyes!

We began adding ingredients to our pot of water and stones. Thanks to everyone that remembered to bring in items for the soup.

Finally, it is ready to eat (unfortunately... it was scorched!! You could smell it all over the school. However, they still wanted to taste it and some actually liked it!). DV seems to enjoy it!

LM and KN sampling the soup.

CA really enjoyed the stone soup!

Busy Week! 11/16- 11/20

This was a very busy week (as usual!)... so busy I hardly had time for pictures!

On Friday we went to an assemby to learn about how to protect ourselves from the Florida black bear if we ever happen to encounter one in the wild... or in our own back yards! AJ and CG got chosen to go on stage to help show what to do if you happen to encounter a Florida black bear up close. We learned to never look it in the eye and to never turn and run. We learned to raise our hands to make ourselves look bigger and to back away slowly speaking in a calm tone and turning our head from side to side.
Some of our classmates got to go up on stage to help with another demonstration. AJ, GT, CC, JC got to help demonstrate what to do if you see a bear at a distance. We learned to make loud noises, blow whistles, bang pots and pans, etc. Here they are pretending to blow an air horn after hollering at the bear to go away.
We all got to touch a real bear skin after the program!

During show and tell today, BL shared a worm home he made following the directions in our reading book. Wow, it really worked. You can even see the worm tunnels. Great job, BL!

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Friday Show and Tell! 11/13/09

Show and Tell is the highlight of the day on Fridays! After all of our testing in the morning we get to share a little bit about ourselves and what we like.
AJ brought in some fall leaves to share... Seminole colors! Way to go AJ!
CC brought in a replica of a spear made from a deer horn and arrow.

AJ shared a bakugan. I am learning about all of these new toys!

SH shared his googgles. Who can remember what is so special about these goggles? Come tell me and you will get a prize!

JC shared bakugans, too!
Yeah, Seminoles! Way to go, CA!
JP shared her toy phone and baton.
KG shared her earrings that her Mom let her wear! Aren't they beautiful!

QC shared her new stuffed pet. Where did she get it? If you remember, come see me for a prize!

Pecan picking on the playground! 11/11/09

Yesterday's storm brought rain and PECANS! The wind blew them out of the trees and all over the ground. It was like hunting Easter eggs today.
BS shows off his bounty!
AJ found a bag full, too!

WOW! Look at all of those pecans.

KN lost his first tooth!! 11/11/09

Look at that new window in KN's mouth! Who pulled it for him? Come tell me and get a prize!

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Tropical Storm Ida!! Free Day for everyone!

I hope everyone enjoyed the unexpected day off today. I stayed busy getting caught up on "things!" At least I did get the blog caught up. I added a few new educational links that are fun but educational as well. I really liked the online stories link. It has some really cool stories on it right now. I hope everyone is enjoying the blog... let me know by leaving a comment. The kids are welcome to comment, too.

Cleaning up the playground! 11/5/09

Wow! We cleaned up a lot of trash today. LM noticed a lot of trash and began gathering it up. She went to the classroom and got a bag to put it in. By the time recess was over she had collected a bag full. Everyone pitched in and helped by gathering up at least 5 pieces of trash to add to the bag! We try to do this once every week to keep our new school beautiful!

Happy Birthday, SH!! 11/4/09

We enjoyed a surprise celebration for SH (planned by Mom and set up by Grandma). SH's Grandmother set everything up during recess and then I sent SH on an errand so we could get back to the classroom and hide before he returned! It was fun to yell "surprise" as he walked into the room! We had yummy pizza, cupcakes, and juice! Thanks for sharing with us!
Let's sing "Happy Birthday!"

SH's birthday interview. One thing I learned that I didn't already know is that SH has an "underwater" bedroom but he wants a "dirt bike" bedroom!

Halloween "Screamers" 11/2/09

We were so busy Friday with our dry ice experiments that we didn't get to make our Halloween Screamers. We read "The Magic School Bus and the Haunted Sound Museum" and learned that sound is made by vibrations. We put a hex nut in the balloons and blew them up. We made an eerie noise by swirling the balloons to spin the hex nuts inside. It was cool to compare the different sounds made by different size nuts.
The boys are making vibrations with their balloons and hex nuts.
SH and JC concentrating on making eerie noises!

LM playing with her screamer.
GT working hard to blow up her balloon!

KN focusing on making his balloon scream!

Yeah, thats the way to do it MM!

MG giving her ballon a swirl!

JP giving her balloon a swirl!